
A top down 2d game the combines pixel and hand drawn art. Developed for the game jam, Sea Jam 2021, as part of MrBeast's ocean clean up activity, Dross follows the titular humanized hermit crab who acquired a metal detector and uses it to try to find treasure while accidentally cleaning up the sea.
I wanted to create a simple gameplay loop with prioties toward the art and story. The pixel art was made in Aseprite and the character art was made in Medibang. The overall theme of the game is to promote beach cleanup, and that even with ulterior motives, one can make their environment a better place.

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Shoot O' Treat

A Halloween themed first-person shooter. It is a wave based survival games, you have 3 weapons available to you. Ammo is scarce and the night terrors are relentless. Fend off the night against evil candy out to get you. Explore the village and survive as long as you can, as waves get harder with each passing.
Developed in Unity, with assests from various sources. Enemy uses BreadCrumb AI for pathfinding. It was a solo project that I wanted to do for the spirit of Halloween but ended up releasing in December due to work/life.

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Let's Design A Visual Novel

"Let's Design A Visual Novel" is an interactive narrative driven game, in the format of a visual novel. Follow the story of Courtney and her friends as they tackle on the challenge of developing and designing a visual novel. With cute chibi graphics and unique backgrounds, coupled with catchy music makes for a pleasant playthrough. There are multiple endings, making the replay value worth it.

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100 Hits Project

"100 Hits Project" is a Hack-and-Slash action survival game. The player has a total of 100 Hit Points, which is depleted everytime you are attacking or being attacked. You have to manage your hits like a resource while trying to survive multiple waves of various enemies using your skill and timing. Red enemies give back hit points.
This was my capstone project in college. Both my partner and I put a lot of effort into this. While it needs some polishing, I feel like this a good foundation to build off.

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3DOM Ball Scroller

A simple block faller game with a twist. While you dodge falling blocks, you also have the ability to warp your 3D space, maneuver as you see fit and gain the advantage.
Originally designed to be a mobile app for android, project is on indefinite hiatus.

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